Cyanotype is a 180 year old alternative photographic process using chemicals and UV light to create a blue tinted print.
Invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842, the cyanotype is an alternative photographic process that does not involve the use of silver. The cyanotype process uses ferric ammonium citrate and potassium ferricyanide to create a permanent blue and white print that is set by a water bath. Historically, botanicals and architectural drawings (blueprints) used the cyanotype process, while many photographers, professional or amateur, may have developed cyanotypes to create quick and cheap prints prior to using silver based processes.
George Eastman Museum. (2014, December 12). The Cyanotype - Photographic Processes Series - Chapter 4 of 12. [Video].

Arch of Constantine Cyanotype Study, 9 Minute Exposure. July 2022. Kelly M. Haley

Venice Door Study, 12 Minute Exposure. March 2023. Kelly M. Haley

Transitions. Collaborative art piece, led by Kelly M. Haley for QE's DC employees. April 2023. Frame custom made by Jahlik Parkes.

Transitions. Collaborative art piece, led by Kelly M. Haley for QE's DC employees. April 2023. Frame custom made by Jahlik Parkes.

Studio Logo Cyanotype Study, 9 Minute Exposure. July 2022. Kelly M. Haley